English for Life

New Course starting in September

Our English For Life course is for students who have basic English knowledge. This course is ideal for those at an A2/Entry 2 level, who are able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions, for example everyday tasks with exchanges of information. You should also be able to understand frequently-used expressions about subjects such as shopping, places of interest and family. 

This year The Living Language Project will be offering hybird learning for this course. This means that we will be running online as well as in-person lessons, and therefore able to offer:

Enrolment for September open now.


Term 1

Week 1 - It's like this

Study vocabulary related to shades of colour and pattern. Learn to differentiate between questions with like, look like, be like and would like.

Week 2 - Passwords

Study vocabulary related to computers and passwords. Practise distinguishing two common verb patterns: verb + infinitive and verb + -ing

Week 3 - In the forest

Study vocabulary related to trees. State verbs will be introduced, and the uses of simple and continuous forms will be reviewed.

Week 4 - Where's my phone?

Learn language related to mobile phone use. You'll be introduced to adjective/noun + preposition patterns, 

Week 5 - Language for learning

Review important language for learning English, including how to say some letters of the alphabet, ask questions about language and identify parts of speech.

Week 6 - Nice Guy

Review and extend vocabulary about relationships. Learn to recognise functional language related to complimenting, congratulating and praising, and suitable responses, 

Week 7 - Oh no!

Learn vocabulary related to accidents and minor injuries. You will be introduced to the present perfect form and its use with just for recent events or actions with present results.

Week 8 - Adventure holiday

Revise past participles and study vocabulary related to adventure holiday activities. You will also contrast the use of present perfect with past simple.

Week 9 - Old Friends

Practice the use of the present perfect simple with for and since to describe unfinished past actions and states.

Week 10 - Party Time

Study vocabulary for party planning activities. The use of present perfect simple with already, yet and still will be introduced, and other uses of the present perfect will be revised. 

Week 11 - Friendly e-mails

Examine a range of useful phrases for informal emails. Start reviewing some of the language we have studied so far.

Week 12 - Review 1

Check you understanding of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and social English we have covered since the last review. You will also have a chance to reflect on your learning using "I can".

Week 13 - Climate challenges

Study vocabulary related to the issue of climate change. Zero and first conditionals will be introduced. 

Week 14 - Gingerbread Houses

Read about gingerbread houses then compare some basic uses of definite and indefinite articles and apply this information to recipes and instructions relating to gingerbread houses.

Term 2

Week 15 - A green future

Study vocabulary related to renewable energy. Learn about conjunctions of addition, contrast and cause and effect. 

Week 16 - Burgers, fries, shakes

Study some food vocabulary. You will also examine some linking devices for listing items, sequencing items and explaining changes and attitude.

Week 17 - Fashion forward

Study fashion-related vocabulary and using relative clauses.

Week 18 - Phone calls

Study phrasal verbs related to phone calls. Practise recognising informal and formal functional language related to common telephone routines. 

Week 19 - So am I

Review and learn new vocabulary about film and food. Practise recognising functional language related to finding things in common, agreeing and disagreeing.

Week 20 - They royals

Study some vocabulary relating to royalty and key life events. Practise using regular and irregular past simple verb forms, including pronunciation of -ed endings

Week 21 - Fables

Recognise how past simple and past continuous verb forms are used in fables. 

Week 22 - Man's best friend

Look at arguments for and against having a pet. The practise "used to + verb", for describing past actions and states that are no longer true. 

Week 23 - My team

 Study vocabulary related to football. Second conditionals will be introduced. 

Week 24 - Writing a Story

Practise identifying some key grammatical features in stories. Then gain some practice in using these features. 

Week 25 - Easter words and traditions

Learn about Easter traditions around the world and discover some unusual facts about this time of year.

Term 3

Week 26 - Review 2

Check you understanding of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and social English we have covered since the last review. You will also have a chance to reflect on your learning using "I can".

Week 27 - Last night's TV

Practise expressing dates, and using vocabulary relating to major life events. Learn about negatives and questions for regular past simple verbs.

Week 28 - Housemates

Study vocabulary related to TV shows. Explore -ed and -ing adjective endings. 

Week 29 - Coffee psychology

Study character adjectives, comparatives, including the modifiers a bit/a little/slightly/a lot/much, and superlatives.

Week 30 - Ice cream

Explore words related to ice cream. Recognise different types of adverbs and their positions in sentences.

Week 31 - Air travel

Study key vocabulary related to air travel. Practise recognising functional language for questions, requests, instructions and announcements.

Week 32 - Say what you see

 Practice describing photographs by using prepositions, describing main content, the use of present continuous, and speculating.

Week 33 - Northern lights

Study some vocabulary related to Iceland. Compare the use of present simple and present continuous forms to talk about future events. 

Week 34 - Self-driving cars

 Study some vocabulary related to cars and driving. Practise making predictions about the future using will, might, may and could, as well as adverbs and likely/unlikely.

Week 35 - Gap year

Consider what people do on a gap year and why. Compare and contrast the forms for talking about future arrangements, plans or intentions and predictions. 

Week 36 - Out and about

You will be introduced to language for making suggestions (shall, let’s and how about), compare how will and be going to are used for making plans and offers, and review the use of will and be going to for predictions.

Week 37 - Work e-mails

Study some e-mailing terms and review some of the language we have learn't so far. 

Week 38 - Well-being

You will discuss different types of exercise and practice using verb + -ing forms, focusing mainly on gerunds, but also including adjective and continuous verb forms.